A time-honored practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture uses fine needles to restore balance and promote healing by improving the flow of Chi (vital energy). It supports pain relief, stress management, better sleep, and overall wellness.
A holistic approach rooted in Chinese traditions, herbal medicine addresses the root causes of health issues to restore balance and improve well-being. Our clinic provides custom-tailored powdered herbs from premium brands like Sun Ten and Sheng Chang for effective and convenient treatment of conditions like diabetes, asthma, and IBS.
A holistic treatment that rejuvenates the skin by promoting natural collagen production, reducing fine lines, and improving circulation for a youthful glow. Combining facial and body acupuncture with optional enhancements like jade rolling or gua sha, it also alleviates issues like acne and inflammation while leaving you relaxed and energized.
A soothing treatment that uses tuning forks on acupuncture points to balance the body's energy and promote the flow of Chi. Ideal for enhancing acupuncture or as a standalone option, it helps relieve stress, improve sleep, reduce pain, and support the healing process.
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